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About the Hills Creative Alliance

HCA is a community led initiative set up in the wake of the storm of 10/11th June 2021 to engage with and support our local communities helping to reconnect with one another and our damaged landscape and to consolidate our ideas for creative activities and events.

Since the idea was flagged up in the days after the storm, we have met in person and on Zoom, and involved more than 20 people, with a facebook page and this website, as well as a Membership list, and we have considered 
working to become an incorporated group. Thanks go to everyone who has taken time to help and offer support.

Between us, we have many highly experienced and active creative artists with ideas and skills we would like to share with our community friends and schools. As we heal after the storm and strengthen ourselves for other challenges we face, we want to support the use of the fabulous spaces and opportunities that we have here in the Hills. 

We welcome all comers with an interest in contributing - whether you have creative skills or are willing to support in other ways as a volunteer. Just get in touch.

Who's Who

Ben Cotton, Founder and Chair of the Hills Creative Alliance 

Liz Millman, HCA Secretary 

Gus Rozyski, HCA Treasurer

as well as our active committee members, plus all those Friends on our Facebook site and on our HCA Mailing list. 

Many thanks to all the folks who have been involved up till now and special thanks to Gareth at Burinja and the Olinda Community House team for supporting and auspicing our funding applications to date. 

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